As expected could not get the time to sit and write yesterday, but I know I can make it up everyday from now on... Its just a fight of two things...a lazy me and a goody goody me...all the time a lazy me wins over the other one and I fail to do many essential routine activities..Its just that fight of those two “mes’” which has been making me as I am today and will be making me in the future. There has been no thought over it at all before in my mind..but now knowing the value of routine I think I should not let my “goody goody me” lose over the lazy me..I am determined this time..:) Routine is the key word for life. Its not bad to seek change but routine makes a life out of nothing and brings the best in you everyday. Why not blogging be made as a routine is the question which is lingering in my mind for a long time now. Routine and Priorities I think are very much related to each set one on the thought of set your routine on the basis of your...
गप्पागोष्टी, खाद्यभ्रमंती आणि सगळ्या मनाला भिडलेल्या गोष्टींची बखर!